AI-Powered Candidate Matching & Ranking

Specify your job priorities & fill your candidate pipeline with high-quality & diverse applicants in seconds. 

The Ceipal Impact

Instantly Fill Candidate Pipeline
Objective Candidate Evaluations
microscope showing matching applicants | candidate matching software
Customizable Search Results

Over 50% of recruiters say their average time-to-hire for open positions is over 3 weeks. And the longer filling a position takes, the more expensive the company’s cost-per-hire. 

Why so long? Almost 1 in 2 recruiters cite screening candidates as their biggest time drain. In fact, for every corporate job, a recruiter receives +250 resumes, normally in the first 24 hours. Screening all those resumes is an impossible job for one person. 

That’s why at Ceipal, we’ve developed our AI-Powered Candidate Matching & Ranking feature. Designed to streamline the screening process, Ceipal’s AI-driven candidate matching software identifies optimal applicants in seconds, leading to higher quality hires in less time.

The Challenge

Bottlenecks in the Screening Process

Screening 250 applications is already a difficult task. But unfortunately, the volume of applications may be the easiest thing about it. Too often recruiters have to regroup with hiring managers to iron out job descriptions and redefine what the ideal candidate looks like. These inefficiencies create bottlenecks in an already lengthy process, increasing time-to-hire.

The average job applications receives over 250 resumes.

Ethnically diverse companies are 35% more likely to outperform competitors.

Human Bias in Hiring

Everyone is subject to unconscious biases. Unfortunately, those biases are present during the hiring process. When the average recruiter spends only 6 seconds reviewing resumes, they have to make snap judgments. The result is that recruiters constantly make decisions based on implicit biases, based on age, gender, race, ethnicity, or experience. And yet, combatting these biases benefits companies hugely. Ethnically diverse companies are 35% more likely to outperform competitors. This means bias isn’t only an ethical issue; it’s also a financial one.

Prioritizing the Right Requirements

Every job opening has a unique set of needs. Should the new hire be an experienced working professional, who brings years of industry knowledge to the team? Or, should the hire be highly-skilled and straight out of school, ready for their first technical job? Not having clear answers to these questions drags down the hiring process, leading to inefficient applicant selection.

Understanding your company’s needs is key to success.

Transforming Candidate Screening with AI

Speed, accuracy, and quality. These are the missing elements in the applicant screening process. The good news is that artificial intelligence optimizes all three elements, streamlining the screening process so it takes a fraction of the time. 

Ceipal’s AI Matching & Ranking screens your job description, then sources your subscribed job boards and internal talent pool for the best candidates. The AI then delivers all results to your dashboard, ranking each applicant based on job title, skillsets, and work experience. The candidate matching software takes seconds to process, minimizing time-to-fill and cost-per-hire. 

The Ceipal Solution

Instant Matching & Ranking

Fill your pipeline in seconds. For every job opening in your ATS, Ceipal’s AI-driven candidate matching software sources candidates from the applicant pool, relevant job boards, and your talent network. Giving each candidate a suitability score, the AI delivers a curated shortlist of applicants based on your top priorities. Every candidate’s resume is automatically parsed for skillsets, job titles, industry experience, employment history, and more, helping recruiters zero in on their next new hire.

Sourcing Applicants

Objective Candidate Assessments

Combat bias and increase diversity in your workforce. Ceipal’s AI provides objective evaluations of every applicant, so internal biases regarding ethnicity, gender, or age are automatically eliminated. Plus, by ranking applicants according to impartial criteria—like job title or skillset—the AI makes sure that the best candidates get maximum exposure, circumventing any human bias.

Screening Candidates

Customizable Priorities

Filter results to get the candidates you need. For every candidate shortlist, recruiters can filter results based on previous experience, skillset, work experience, location, and more. Customizing priorities within the system means recruiters can respond to last-minute requests from hiring managers or clients on-demand, without repeating the entire applicant screening process.