How do I Create a Placement record?

Steps to create a new Placement record:

  1. Select “Placements” on the upper navigation menu
  2. Select the “New” button in the upper right corner
  3. Fill in applicant name and relevant details
  4. Click “Save”

Steps to Convert a Submitted Applicant Profile to Placements:

  1. Select Applicant from Submissions records in Job Posting/Applicants modules
  2. Select ‘Add Confirmation’
  3. Review details in the popup that appears
  4. Click ‘Create’
  5. Review Email preview and Send, as required
  6. Choose Yes or Cancel when “Do you want to Initiate Onboarding?” popup appears.
  7. A Confirmation record will be created in the Placements module
  8. Click on the ‘Convert to Placement’ icon, found on the top right corner of the Confirmation record.
  9.  Click Yes for confirmation popup
  10.  Enter Date of Joining and Comments if any, in the next popup that appears
  11.  Click Save.