How to Allocate Mass Mail Credits?

Mass Mail allows users to send an email to up to 2000 email IDs at once. Once subscribed to, you can purchase credits that can be allocated to those users who would use this feature. Allocation can only be done by the Administrator of your account.

Steps to allocate Mass Mail Credits:

  1. Click on Profile icon
  2. Click on Admin Setup
  3. Go to Global Settings
  4. Select Allocate Mass Email Credits
  5. Click on “Allocate Credits” icon (top right corner)
  6. Select type – Individual or Team
  7. Select User/Team, Enter number of Credits and Renewal Type (Daily, Monthly, None)
  8. Click Allocate.

For users who have been allocated Credits before:

  1. Find their name on the list under Allocate Mass Email Credits page
  2. Select + icon on right most side of the user name
  3. Enter credits
  4. Click Allocate

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