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3 Questions to Help You Determine If and How to Market to New Clients

3 Questions to Help You Determine If and How to Market to New Clients

Hi there! Your sales reps swear to you that they have extracted all business from existing clients. Are they sandbagging again? The big question is should you go after new clients or expand your business in existing and how do you do it? Ask yourself the following 3 questions and you’ll know what:

  1. What are the company sizes on my client roster?
    • If it contains large enterprises, focus on client penetration efforts – you sure can extract more business there
    • If it’s small companies, focus on bringing in more clients

OK, but how should I market to new clients?

  1. Is there a pattern in the types of clients and types of projects I have?
    • Are they clustered in particular industries? Then you have industry expertise.
    • Are my clients mostly based in certain geographic locations?
    • What type of projects are my consultants working on? Do I have technical expertise?
  2. Do my recruiters have areas of expertise? 
    • Focus their efforts where their strengths lie. This may mean going after multiple industries, technologies, or business functions.

Now, here are some tools to help you market to new clients:

  • Case Studies: You can never have too many case studies. They are critical for establishing credibility for your business. At one of my former employers, sales reps tried to get an agreement and set the parameters for a case study right when the contract was signed. In another video, I will give you a template for creating case studies in only a few hours.
  • Client testimonials: They are much easier to get than case studies and could be almost as valuable. And, often, getting a testimonial is the first step to getting a case study completed. You want a testimonial for every successful project. 

By the way, do you know the #1 reason why companies don’t get case studies or testimonials? …. They don’t ask.

  • Digital marketing campaigns: LinkedIn advertising can be effective and cost-efficient. You have to do it right though. We will talk more about this in another video.
  • Email campaigns: Their effectiveness has gone down significantly, but they still continue to be a critical part of your marketing efforts. 
  • BDR campaigns: When you have a limited pool of potential clients, cold calling continues to be an effective tool. But you need a tight script and a good process in order to be effective. More on this in another video.

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