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Employee Appreciation: Did You Thank Your Employees Today?

Employee Appreciation: Did You Thank Your Employees Today?

Did you thank your employees today? A simple question with a simple answer, yet an overwhelming impact. When it comes down to it, expressing gratitude makes us feel good, regardless if we’re the one giving the thanks, or receiving it.

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, it’s a friendly reminder to let your employees know how grateful you are to have such a hardworking, dedicated team. So, before you head off to catch your next flight, buy your turkey, or close your laptop for the day, take a few minutes to read some of these great articles we found about employee appreciation and ensuring you’re spreading thanks in unique, meaningful ways.

Employee Appreciation Events are Moving Beyond the Happy Hour

By: Ryan Golden (@RyanTGolden)

Americans wait a whole year to celebrate a holiday devoted to giving thanks, but their employers are increasingly looking for diverse ways to do so throughout the year. A 2019 study by WorldatWork and Maritz Motivation found that the number of employers with a “deeply-embedded” employee recognition program increased from 10% in 2015 to 17% in 2019. The two firms defined deeply-embedded programs as those that are both closely tied to an organization’s culture and involved regular training of managers on recognition.

When it comes down to it, employee appreciation is not a “one-time deal”. The article goes into depth sharing some real-world experiences of companies appreciating their employees in fun, unique ways (rather than just a random party). Appreciation is an ongoing effort – and the results are truly eye-opening (especially within the staffing industry).

Interested in learning more? Click here to read the full article.

How Gratitude Can Transform Your Workplace

By: Kira M. Newman (@KiraMNewman)

The practice of gratitude – and its close sibling, appreciation – has started to infiltrate workplaces, from new software companies to older institutions (like Campbell Soup, whose former CEO wrote 30,000 thank you notes to his employees). Though research on gratitude has exploded over the past two decades, studies of gratitude at work are still somewhat limited; results so far link it to more positive emotions, less stress, fewer health complaints, fewer sick days and high job satisfaction.

This article continues to reinforce the importance of gratitude in the workplace by sharing real-world examples within major brands, and sharing four tips to sharing gratitude at work:

Gratitude is about the whole person
Gratitude isn’t one-size-fits-all
Gratitude must be embraced by leaders
Gratitude has to be part of the culture

Interested in learning more? Click here to read the full article.

Do Your Employees Know You’re Thankful For Them?

By: Jessica Rohman (@jessicarohman)

Why do the words “thank you” hold so much power? It’s partly because when a boss expresses genuine gratitude to an employee, they are really saying: “I see you. I value the work you are doing. I know you’ve given a lot to this company. I noticed, and it’s important to me that you know that.”

This article keeps the conversation going by expressing the real-world impact gratitude can have in the workplace. Gratitude may not be able to be captured by camera, but the results can last a lifetime.

Interested in learning more? Click here to read the full article.