Our Jobma integration makes the interviewing process quicker and easier than ever before with automated or live video interviews

ATS – Productivity App Integration

The average adult spends 11 hours in front of a screen a day. For a lot of people, 8 hours of that is at work. But the real question is, is all of that time being used productively? The inevitable answer is no, which is why we turn to apps that make our lives easier. Ceipal’s productivity app integrations are designed to provide employees with easier ways to be productive and utilize their favorite apps.

When everything you need to check email, communicate with candidates, and perform interviews is in one place, you always know where to get the information you need or find data you lost track of. Seamless integration with productivity apps means you spend less time searching across documents and platforms. That, in turn, means you spend more time actually doing the work you need to do.

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Ceipal and Jobma

Phone interviews take time, and even the most seasoned recruiter can only manage 6 or 7 in a day. Enter Jobma, a video interviewing productivity app that allows potential employees to record interviews themselves.

This enables candidates to complete the video whenever it works best for them and allows you (and however many other team members you need) to view their interview whenever it’s convenient.

Looking for live interviews? Jobma offers those too, with fully interactive screen shares to make the process quick and comprehensive.

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Used to using other Productivity Apps?

Not only does Ceipal integrate with Jobma, but it also enables you to work with dozens of other productivity apps like Gmail, QuickBooks, Skype, and more.

QuickBooks Productivity App Logo
Skype Productivity App Logo

Seamless Automation

Ceipal’s direct integration between your ATS and various productivity apps exists to make your entire workday more efficient. Not only do numerous integrations eliminate manual data entry, they also remove the need to leave your work platform to check emails, perform interviews, or communicate with clients. Let automation bring together all of the tools you need so you can spend less time remembering passwords, switching between windows, and using your phone.

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Process Improvement

All aspects of work can be improved once productivity applications are introduced to the flow. You save time by being able to control everything from one platform and save money by having all employees be more productive. But, our ATS doesn’t just let you connect one app, you can connect dozens of them so different teams across the company can work together to recruit new candidates, manage clients and vendors, or even oversee finances and productivity. Ceipal’s integrations are here to improve all of your processes.

Note: Ceipal is not an official representative of these programs/services and makes no claims as to their effectiveness. The integrations that we provide are merely for your convenience.

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about Ceipal’s other Productivity App integrations